FEH Project and Aircraft Operations Forms and Tools
These instructions explain the process and tools involved in gathering information from FEH project participants and sharing it with the Aircraft Operations team. The following are covered in these instructions:
- The FEH Visitor Form
- Approval process
- Data transfer to Aircraft Operations
- Aircraft Operations list management
- Generation of the General Declaration
FEH Visitor Form
The FEH Visitor Form is administered via Adobe Sign. Each project requires its own form which the IS Department can provide. Form data is captured on the FEH Visitor Form SharePoint page. Links to each of the forms can be found on this page:
Each time a visitor completes the form, their data is added to this list and a notification is sent to the FEH project team.
Approval Process
The FEH project team must approve visitors by adding a checkmark to the FEH Project Approval column. When visitors are approved by the FEH project team, they can then be sent to the Air Ops team for approval. The FEH team can use the embedded app on the FEH Visitor Form page to send visitors for approval. Select the Project Location and Project Dates from the dropdown and click Send to Air Ops for Approval:
The following criteria determines which visitors will be sent to Air Ops for approval:
- Their Project Location and Project Dates must match what was entered in the app
- They must be checked in the FEH Project Approval column
- They must NOT be checked in the Air Ops Approval column
- They must NOT be checked in the Sent to Air Ops column
Visitors that meet this criteria will be sent to Air Ops in an approval message via Teams, as well as copied by email. There are two approval options:
Approve: This option will add an Air Ops approval to the FEH Visitor Form list for every visitor listed
Review Further: This option will send an email to the approver(s) with a link to a detailed list of proposed visitors so that they may be reviewed and approved individually
Data Transfer to Aircraft Operations
When a visitor is approved by both teams, the form data will be automatically transferred to the Air Ops GenDec Passengers list with the status of FEH Project Import. The following is required for this data transfer to take place:
- Both FEH Project Approval and Air Ops Approval must be checked
- The FEH Passenger? column must say "Yes"
Sent to Air Ops must NOT be checked
Aircraft Operations List Management
The GenDec Passengers list is meant to only contain people that will actually fly on Orbis 1. There are several different statuses for passengers:*
Not Yet Sent: This is the default status for newly entered records. It means that no form has been sent from either the FEH project team or Air Ops. This status allows the Send Travel Request Form button to be visible.
Request Form Sent: The status is automatically changed to this when the Orbis 1 Travel Request Form is sent via the embedded button. Passengers receive an email with a link to the form (see below)
New: This status is applied to a passenger that has filled out the Orbis 1 Travel Request Form and wasn't already entered on the list
FEH Project Import: This refers to any passengers that were transferred from the FEH project team
Confirmation Sent: This status is set when the Send Confirmation Request button is used to send the confirmation survey to passengers. Passengers receive an email asking if they are still planning to fly on Orbis 1 (see below)
Confirmed: If the passenger responds "Yes" to the survey, they are Confirmed
Canceled: If the passenger responds "No" to the survey, they are Cancelled
*All statuses are automatically set according to actions, but they all may also be manually changed
Generation of the General Declaration
To automatically generate the General Declaration, open up any of the editing forms in the GenDec Passengers list and select the airplane icon. Select the Trip #, and enter the Flight Date, Departing From airport, and Arriving At airport, then click Generate. Passengers will be added to the GenDec if they meet the following criteria:
- Their Trip # must match what was entered into the app
- They must have a status of Confirmed
- They must have information filled in for their name, role, country of nationality, passport number, date of birth, expiration date, and place of birth
General Declaration drafts are saved in the General Declaration Drafts folder on the Aircraft Operations SharePoint site, and a link to the document is emailed to the user that generated the document.